
L'idée de progrès : prise de parole en interaction (Anglais)

Publié le 22/05/2021

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Ci-dessous un extrait traitant le sujet : L'idée de progrès : prise de parole en interaction (Anglais). Ce document contient 1001 mots soit 2 pages. Pour le télécharger en entier, envoyez-nous un de vos documents grâce à notre système gratuit d’échange de ressources numériques. Cette aide totalement rédigée en format PDF sera utile aux lycéens ou étudiants ayant un devoir à réaliser ou une leçon à approfondir en: Fiches de révision.

« L'idée de progrès : prise de parole en interaction À la suite de votre présentation de la notion de progrès, commence l'échange avec l'examinateur.

Cette fiche propose de vous y prépa­ rer à l'aide d'amorces de dialogue.

réclser oint dans votre $ Examiner Thank you very much .

l'm a bit surprised to hear that technological progress isn't a profitable advance for everyone.

What do you mean? R1ght.

You ve also said that with life-expe ctancy rising the issue of the end of lite is an issue that isn't discussed enough.

Could you develop your point? 1-+ e Candidate Actually, what I mean is that there is a growing discrepancy between an educated and skilled elite and less skilled workers.

1 don't mean that the digital revolution is bad for mankind! Machine intelligence in the field of medicine for example is a great advance for everyone.

Technolog y however, will leave some doctors redundant because it will enable others to be more productive.

1 think we should keep this in mind and realise that actions have to be taken to contrai this disruption.

Alter all, it is worth mentioning that technological progress is bound to lead to an increased automation of tasks for example that used to be performed by numerous skilled workers.

But to my mind , it would be absolutely unreasonable to wish to go back to a world without that technological progress.

1 have the feeling that there are many people ending their lives in hospitals or in homes surrounded by strangers whereas what you wish for when you're really old is to be in familiar surroundings.

lt is a delicate tapie, but it needs to be talked about.

m On vous demande votre o inlon $ Examiner e Candidate The industrial era Oh, it is, of course ! Actions need to be taken so has brought out as to avert warming but also in order to develop one of the major renewable energies, tao.

Several climate marches challenges the have been organised to push for actions on world is facing ---+ climate changes.

lt is common knowledge that today, global carbon dioxide emission needs to be eut, coal warming that is.

ls consumption to be reduced .

Things seem to be this an important moving really slowly though .

issue for you?. »


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