
Juriste (G-B)

Publié le 03/12/2021

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Prénom Nom
CP Ville

Telephone :

Date of Birth : 23/01/1971

Nationality : French


1988 - 1990 University of Pont-sur-Pont, completed first two years of a law degree
1991 - 1993 University of Pont-sur-Pont, Licence (three-year university degree) in English language studies


Secretarial skills I worked with the management of the Finance department of a medium size service company where I carried out the tasks of transcription, as well as the usual secretarial duties by telephone and prepared correspondance for the director and the whole Finance department.

Book-keeping I was in charge of book-keeping and accounting practices including payroll management, dealing with monthly bank statements, the billing of clients and the management of expense accounts. I also prepared quarterly reports for the dept. of Social Security regarding health insurance and retirement contributions.

Legal I was involved in the preparation of legal procedures and answered procedural questions in a number of fields including divorce cases, evictions and rental agreements.


Travel and Asian culture.
I have travelled extensively through Pakistan and Afghanistan and am also familiar with Southern Europe, especially Spain and Portugal.




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