
Joe Louis.

Publié le 06/12/2021

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Joe Louis.
Joe Louis (1914-1981), American boxer. He was born Joseph Louis Barrow near Lafayette, Alabama. Louis won his first professional contest by a knockout in 1934. He
won the professional heavyweight championship of the world in June 1937, defeating the American boxer James Jack Braddock by a knockout. During his professional
boxing career, Louis compiled 68 victories and three defeats. His 68 victories included 54 by knockout and 14 by decision, while his three losses included two by
knockout and one by decision. Louis's first loss came in 1936, to the former world champion, the German boxer Max Schmeling. The Nazis equated Schmeling's victory
over Louis to a validation of Nazi superiority over democracy. The two boxers fought again in a 1938 rematch. Louis won the bout in one round, and Americans
celebrated the victory of democracy. After the second Schmeling fight, Louis became a hero for the World War II war effort, gave inspirational speeches, and helped
with recruiting.
Louis retired in 1949, having successfully defended his title 25 times. In 1950 Louis returned to the ring, but his attempted comeback was unsuccessful. He was
knocked out in 1951 by the American heavyweight contender Rocky Marciano, after which Louis permanently retired. He was elected to the Boxing Hall of Fame in

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