

Publié le 22/05/2020

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« Independence of India Introduction: India was under the british domination for the XVII century, but from the end of the XIX century, a piece of indians people wanted to have their independence.

At this time, this is a crazy idea, because (except the USA) any colony had never ask for the independence. So, they created the indian Congress in 1885 and some indians like Gandhi and Nerhu decided to do campaign of civil disobedience.

Gradually, more and more indians joined this movement : before World War 2, this is a national idea....

but the acquisition of independence was very very long and difficult. So, in the first part, we're going to talk about the reasons of the independence desire, then, the most famous steps and the most famous men and for finish we will see the consequences of its independence. I/ The system before independence : India was ruled by british and the dirigeants of Great Britain were imperator of Indian Empire.

This country was considered like the pearl of british empire because it was full of wealth.

So, english took the raw materials, exported and transformed it in their factories.

They exported coton, tea, jute..

India enabled the country to developp its economy.

Morever, british sold their products in India and there were less expensive than indian products, so this system was very inegal and destroyed indian crafts.

British led also all the admisnistration in India thanks to a minister, installed in London.

In India, the government was assured by a vice regent, helped by the Indian Coucil, constitute by english civil servant. English instaured also a new kind of agriculture, so they ruined the traditionnal agriculture. But, in 1885, the Indian Congress Party was created and it wanted the self gorvernment but the british didn't accpet so, in 1920, many protest actions were led. II/ The most important step led by Gandhi and Nehru, the two most famous men of independence of india. In the first part, we are going to present Gandhi and Nehru. • So Gandhi : Mohandas Karamchad Gandhi (nicknamed the Mahatma :”the Big Soul” ) was born in Porbandar 1869 in a rich hindu family.

He studied in London where he became lawyer ; He spent 20 years in South Africa where he defended indian immigrants'rights, that made him famous.

There, he experimented the passive and non-violent resistance to fight against the authorities.

He came back in India in 1915 and he became the leader of the Congress Party which fight for independence and against british domination.

He claimed a passive resistance (the satyagraha) and no-violence (l'Ahimsa) action.

He did a lot of famous actions : civil desobedience, salt March… So we can say that he played a large part in the entry in the independence in 1947.

Gandhi wanted also make Hindus and Muslims reconciled.

He was murdered in Delhi 1948 by a fanatic hindu. • Jawaharlal Nehru was born in Allahabad 1889 in a hindu family.

His father (Motilal Nehru) was an important leader of Congress Party and a lawyer too.

So, Jawaharlal Nehru (nicknamed Pandit Nehru) studied in United Kingdom in Cambridge, he received an occidental education, and became lawyer in 1912.

He joined the fight for independence under the tutelage of Mohandas Gandhi.

He became an active member of Congress Party. »


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