

Publié le 22/05/2020

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Ci-dessous un extrait traitant le sujet : homosexualité Ce document contient 778 mots soit 2 pages. Pour le télécharger en entier, envoyez-nous un de vos documents grâce à notre système gratuit d’échange de ressources numériques. Cette aide totalement rédigée en format pdf sera utile aux lycéens ou étudiants ayant un devoir à réaliser ou une leçon à approfondir en Psychologie.

« Tolerance towards homosexuality 50 years ago, homosexuality act was illegal in every province in Canada and every state in America.

Homosexuals had to live in exile from mainstream society because the government and the society said that they were a subculture.

My point of view in this essay is that it was very long before they had the tolerance towards the lesbians and gays sexual choices.

In this essay, I explain the influence of the government had had during that period of time, how the society saw the homosexuals and the point of view of the lesbians and gays towards the discrimination from them. The government said that homosexuality was not just criminalized but was also medicalized.

They would show gay porn to lesbians and gays and if that make them turn on they would shock them or induce vomiting.

For the government , homosexuality was a disability and was considered as a disease.

In winter 1981, police of Toronto execute a massive crackdown on the gay bathhouse.

It was the largest police operation that had happened against the lesbian and gay community.

In 1981 a rare and deadly cancer, over 10 000 people in this zip code alone, died from aids.

70% of the countriy’s aids victims were homosexual.

But even with those numbers, the government did nothing to help.

But nowadays, we can find a magazine like Gay Global Magazine to clarify doubts.

‘’This special edition will include a large number of exclusive texts on AIDS and the discovery of two new effective vaccines and will, in addition to all the news, a special report on Andropause, this hormonal disease that afflicts both men over 40 years in Quebec and can now be treated in specialized clinics.’’ From the Gay Global Magazine #64.

With those tools in hands, we can now be more informed In the ’60, still 50 years from today, lesbian and gay community were seen as sick and deviant by the society.

They would also say that this is illicit sex.

The society was so anti-homosexual that if a boss discovered that one of his employees were gay, he would fired the homosexual.

If a gay or lesbian openly said that they were homosexual, you were automatically being a poor person or have a shitty job.

Today, in 2014, if a person shot out that they are gay, there will still have some judging about the homosexual but sure less than back in the days and he will not be as ashamed as a person who would scream it out loud 50 years ago.

They should not be ashamed of who they are.

‘’A majority of Americans are accepting of homosexuality in society, but the levels of tolerance are far greater in many other countries in Europe and Latin America, a new Pew poll has found.’’ From The Washington Post. ‘’Accepting who you are - and being proud of who you are - is the next step on the road to coming out of the closet , and eventually to having a successful gay or lesbian relationship .’’ From the WikiHow article; How to Accept That You Are Gay .

The lesbian and gay community, they were obligated to live in the shadow because they preferred to hide their sexually orientation instead of showing it.. »


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