

Publié le 02/12/2021

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The Halloween (in French in Quebec, with a determiner) or Halloween (without article, shape used in the English-speaking countries and in France) is a holiday (feast) which takes place at night from October 31st till November 1st. She (it) is mainly celebrated in Ireland, in Canada, in Australia, in Great Britain and in the United States. The most known tradition wants that the children disguise with suits(costumes) which frighten or which make laugh (ghosts, witches, monsters, vampires, etc.) and go to ring at doors by asking the adults, often themselves disguised, candies, fruits or money(silver) with the formula: Trick or treat! (" Candies or evil spell! ") or simply «Halloween! ". Other activities include masked balls, the viewing of horror movies, the visit of "haunted" houses, etc.The Halloween is an Anglo-Saxon folk festival [1], to which some lend a Celtic origin, based on the calendar concomitance of November 1st, Period of the classic art Celtic religious feast of Samain [ 2 ]. This tradition was transported in North America in the XIXth century by the Irish people, the Scottish and the other immigrants.The main symbol of the Halloween is the pumpkin, replaced sometimes by a pumpkin, stemming from the Irish legend of Jack-o '-lantern-lantern: we cut him(it) to draw it, in hollow, a face, then we place a candle in its center.


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