
George W.

Publié le 06/12/2021

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George W. Bush - Biography.
43rd president of the United States

Birth July 6, 1946
Death --
Home State Born in Connecticut and raised in Texas
Party Republican
Terms In Office 2001-2005
2005Vice President Dick Cheney
Significant Acts Ordered the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq.
Proposed and helped enact increased federal spending on education and established a system for annual testing.
Proposed and helped pass one of the largest tax cuts in U.S. history and lowered tax rates for all income brackets.
Radically changed U.S. foreign policy to establish a doctrine of preventive war.
Career 1977 Ran unsuccessfully for the U.S. House of Representatives.
1978 Founded Arbusto Energy Inc.
1989 Purchased a part interest in the Texas Rangers baseball team.
1995-1999 Served as governor of Texas.
1999-2001 Served as governor of Texas.
2001- Served as president of the United States.
Did You Know George W. Bush was the first son to follow his father as president since John Quincy Adams followed John Adams in the early 1800s.
Bush was the first presidential candidate to win the electoral college vote but lose the popular vote since Benjamin Harrison in 1888.
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