
Gap Year

Publié le 17/05/2020

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Ci-dessous un extrait traitant le sujet : Gap Year Ce document contient 594 mots soit 1 pages. Pour le télécharger en entier, envoyez-nous un de vos documents grâce à notre système gratuit d’échange de ressources numériques. Cette aide totalement rédigée en format pdf sera utile aux lycéens ou étudiants ayant un devoir à réaliser ou une leçon à approfondir en Langues.

« Fils ; Hello Dad Pere ; Hye Son Fils ; I have a really , really important thing to tell you , So listen to me carefully please . Pere : More important than a football match , Wait and see. Fils ; Dad !!! Be serious please !! Dad ; Ok but hurry up please while it's the half time Fils ; Ok but promise me that you won't get angry . Dad ; Don't worry and hurry up please ! Fils ; So , I want to go in … Dad ; The toillet , there is someone in Fils ; Dad you're such a pain , and listen to me please , so i want to go abroad , only for a year , after secondery school .

I don't now precisly where but i'll focus my choice on The United States or the Canada but I think United States are more attractive , and better for students like me . Dad ; U.S , Canada , there aren't good team there .

Fils : I'm fed up with it ! Leave me alone with football ! You're … Dad ; Like father , like son .

I joke , so carry on. Fils ; I need your opinion dad , and above all your consent Dad ; I think that it's worth it's while , but you must be aware of the difficulties you will face . Fils ; Yes indeed Dad ; You could put at risk , you could lose contact with your differents teacher .

However , gap year students need to have a constructive plan , you have to gain some experience out of life even if it means doing add jobs for a year .

What's more if you take a gap year , your friends will have moved on , your study skills will have diminished and you'll be a year behind them .

Taking a gap year means leaving one's friends and family behind , and that may prove quite difficult to some students who find themselves in a faraway country .

But if I let you to take a gap year , it's because it also will offer you a wider perspective and clearer vision of you future work direction , because taking a gap year means gaining experience , independance , maturity and skills for a year is surely quite beneficial for those who are brave enought to take the plunge .

Taking a gap year improve your personal development , self confident , professional and personal skills , You understand ? Fils; This is why I want to take a gap year .

Dad ; And you think you feel ready for that ? Fils ; Absolutly Dad . Dad ; So explain your plans . Fils ; So , concerning the United States of America , I found a pen friend from Boston .

He is totaly agree about lodge me at least six month , besides , i will ends meet with my poket money .

I think i 'll give him a thite for lodgings .

So i will certainly need some pocket money , if you can see nothing against that .

Dad ;The last straw which breaks the camel's back .

You cannot have your cake and eat it.

I Joke , Of course . Fils ; Ok ,ealy on i will find a job to work maybe as volunteers , or do some interships to vary the experiences .

Dad ; It's a good idea .

I suggest speaking tomorow .

But it's late and the match will begin again , so go to bed , and don't forget that; « the early bird catches the worm » . Fils ; Sure Dad , See you tomorow . Dad ; Off you go ! Andréa ; Dad Momo ; Fils. »


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