

Publié le 06/12/2021

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P.26-27 Double page speaking

Two families, their eating habits. Balanced : équilibré

Diet : régime

frozen food : surgelés

pet food : aliments (animaux)

meat : viande

home-made : cuisiné a la maison

Compare then

Say who has adopted the healtheir (healthy) diet.

Grammar :

Compare deux éléments :

the + adj court + ER

Compare (superlatif + )de deux

éléments :

the adj court EST.

Ex : The more comfortable is the red armchair (two armchairs).

The two document is picture :

The Kuweiti family / The British family

No alcohol on their table. The British family consume more chocolate bars and

The Kuweitis are not allowed to drink frozen food than the Kuweitis who consume fish,

alcohol since they are Muslins. Fruit and vegetables.

They drink water, sodas and consume

dairies ( products based on milk )..

( Which contain milk ) .

Obviously, the Kuweiti family has adopted the healthier diet ( of the two families )

Grapefruit: pamplemousse

Grapes: raisin

Grp 4: Smaller portions are easier to digest than big portions that the Americans consume.

The smaller the portions are, the easier they are to digest

The more (people), the merrier

(merry Xmas)

The more confortable my bed is, the better I can fall asleep.

Adj S + V

The more experience, the better you become.

It is easier to eat healthy (food) in France than in England because there are more supermarkets and markets.

More fresh products, more / choice in France contribute to making the French / more aware of

/ a wider range (V + ing) / more concerned by

balanced diet.

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