

Publié le 02/12/2021

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(Nymphs; Tree) Greek The lives ofsome were entwined with specific trees; they livedand died with that tree. Others were connected withgroves of trees or specific types of trees.The main categories of Dryads are:• The Meliai, Nymphs of the ash tree. They wereborn from the drops of blood from Uranuswhich Gaia caused to spill on the Earth afterCronus killed his father.• The Hamadryads, nymphs of poplar and oaktrees. According to some stories, the Hamadryadswere born with and died with specific trees.• Meliades, nymphs of apple trees. The Hesperides,who guarded Hera's golden apples, wereMeliades.• Daphnaie, nymphs of the laurel tree, who werenamed after Daphne, whom her father, a rivergod, transformed into a laurel tree to rescueher from the pursuits of the god Apollo.