

Publié le 22/05/2020

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« DETROIT : THE GHOST TOWN -60 years of decline : Detroit bankruptcy reflects the decline of the auto industry, which has the fame of the city once.

Birthplace of the "Big Three" (Ford, Chrysler and General Motors), the city has linked its fate to that of the car.

The first signs of decline appeared in the 50s, and then accelerated to hit successive crises.

" Their departure was accelerated after new federal policies in the 1970s and including 1980, forced municipalities and states to compete to create jobs.

Then came the crisis of 2008, and with it the bankruptcy of Chrysler and General Motors, who finished empty factories. -A debt of 18.5 billion $ More than 18 billion dollars, 14 billion euros.

This is what the city has to its creditors.

the municipality had warned in June that it would be forced to default on some of that.

It is official now.

But The White House has made his support: - the half of the population exiled Detroit is what the Americans call a "shrinking city", a city shrinks.

In sixty years, its population has declined by 60%.

It rose from 1.8 million in 1950 to 706,000 today.

With its 78,000 abandoned buildings, Detroit looks more and more like a ghost town.

The industrial buildings are in ruins and there are countless abandoned when they are not burned by dealers houses..

Its deserted homes and post-apocalyptic landscapes were immortalized by many photographers. - More than half of unemployed residents With firms closures, tens of thousands of jobs have been destroyed.

While Ford and General Motors are better than in 2008, employment is not rising again.

The official unemployment rate is 18.6%, reports the Washington Post, And who says unemployment said lower wages, so there are no taxes in the municipal coffers income. -379 murders in 2012 Consequence of the economic and social crisis that hit the city, the crime rate is breaking records.

In 2012, 379 homicides were recorded in Detroit, .

This is 10% more than in 2011.

What makes "Motor City" the second city of more than 200,000 most dangerous U.S.

residents after New Orleans.

Enhanced by poor municipal services insecurity: police takes on average 58 minutes to arrive when called, against 11 minutes in the nation.

The municipality is not able to provide the lighting in many areas and 40% of the lamps have failed.

Finally, only a third of ambulance work, lack of money to maintain them. Photos : »


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