

Publié le 06/12/2021

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Bloodhound, breed of hunting dog, the oldest known of the type of hound that hunts by scent alone. Its name refers to the care taken with its original breeding;
properly, it is a blooded, that is, aristocratic, hound. The bloodhound is believed to have existed in Mediterranean countries before Christian times; it was introduced into
other parts of Europe in the Middle Ages. Tireless in pursuit of quarry, it can follow a scent over dry land where no tracks are visible and, after swimming across a river,
pick up the scent on the far bank. It has been known to follow a human trail for more than 80 km (50 mi). The bloodhound, which does not attack human quarry, is
used by police to track criminals; if a dog recognizes a criminal, the identification is accepted in U.S. courts of law.
The bloodhound has thin, loose skin, hanging in folds about the head and neck, forming a dewlap; diamond-shaped, deep-set eyes, which give it a mournful
appearance; long, soft ears falling in folds; a long neck; muscular sloping shoulders; and well-sprung ribs. It is red and tan, black and tan, or tawny, and stands about
66 cm (about 26 in) high or taller. The weight of the male is about 41 to 50 kg (about 90 to 110 lb); that of the female, about 36 to 45 kg (about 80 to 100 lb). The
bloodhound is extremely affectionate, but somewhat shy and sensitive.

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