

Publié le 08/12/2021

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Ci-dessous un extrait traitant le sujet : bansky . Ce document contient 428 mots. Pour le télécharger en entier, envoyez-nous un de vos documents grâce à notre système d’échange gratuit de ressources numériques ou achetez-le pour la modique somme d’un euro symbolique. Cette aide totalement rédigée en format pdf sera utile aux lycéens ou étudiants ayant un devoir à réaliser ou une leçon à approfondir en : Echange


1) On the first picture we can see a man who seems to be a graffiti artist we see him to vomit after writing on the wall. We can think that Bansky tried to show difficulty of the graffiti which can be very harmful for the health or we could think that the American societies is better that in 2013

2) This work made with a stencil, represents to the right, a painter provided with a bucket, with a brush and with two paper rolls. This man seems tired and looks at a sentence written in black and in capitals: follow your dreams. But all the hardness of this work is in a word: cancelled. This one is written in white, in capitals, on a red bottom and on the previous sentence. For me this word means that the man to the right has no more the possibility of following his dreams, those this were "cancelled". But in my opinion, Banksy takes a wider vision of the world and these companies, by declaring that in the contemporary world, the dream is not allowed, because we are all the machines of the well settled clock ". Thus by its work, Banksy wanted

3) The style of this work is very reminiscent of Banksy, one of the more famous street artists. It depicts a black and white silhouette of a homeless man who appears to be begging for money. He is holding a sign in red typeface reading, "Keep your coins, I want change."

Banksy reminding us of the hope that surrounded Barack Obama's presidential campaign for 'change', his adaptation of Meek's popular image is a resounding cry of dissatisfaction.

4) This one represents Mickey, the mouse of Disney, and Ronald McDonald, the emblem of the famous fast food, holding by the hand the young Vietnamese burned in the napalm during the Vietnam War. Through this paint, Banksy denounces quite the faults of the United States. This creation exposes three American symbols, as well as the influence was exercised by this country on the world. Indeed, it looks like these three characters parade, hand in hand, to show to the world any power of the United States. Mickey Mouse, the symbol of the mark Disney, highlights the American, ultra-influential culture on all the planet. Ronald Mc Donald, emblem of the multinational of the same name, personifies the setting-up, the American presence in everything countries as well as its system of capitalist consumption. Finally, the Vietnamese young person represents the military power of the country, capable of bringing down any nation