

Publié le 02/12/2021

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Pattern or model. Two important20th-century thinkers about religions developedthe term archetype in very infl uential ways: CarlGustav JUNG and Mircea ELIADE.Jung was a psychologist. He believed that allhuman beings shared a certain kind of unconscious,the "collective unconscious." In his eyes,the collective unconscious contained fundamentalsymbols or archetypes necessary to personal wellbeing.One example is the MANDALA, a geometricdiagram of squares, circles, and other designsaround a center point. One of his followers, ErichNeumann, developed an archetype that he calledthe "Great Mother" (see GODDESSES). Among otherplaces, Jung thought archetypes could be seenespecially in dreams and myths.Mircea Eliade was a historian of religions. Hedivided human beings into two general classes:"archaic man" and "modern man." Eliade consideredarchaic man to be homo religiosus. That is,religion defi ned the way archaic people looked atand lived in the world. In particular, archaic peoplelived their lives according to archetypes. Thesearchetypes were revealed at the beginning of timeand recorded in myth (see MYTH AND MYTHOLOGY).By contrast, Eliade considered modern people tobe secular. But they have not lost the archetypescompletely. They have simply become unawareof them. As a result, Eliade said, religious archetypesrecur in cultural forms such as art, literature,music, and fi lm.

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