

Publié le 06/12/2021

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Archery, art, practice, or skill of using a bow and arrow for hunting, warfare, or as a sport. Modern bows, used to propel arrows, generally are constructed of wood,
fiberglass, or graphite or carbon composites with a taut cord or string connecting the bent ends of the bow. Arrows are usually made of either aluminum or carbon
graphite, pointed at one end and with flight-stabilizing feathers at the other end. A notch in this butt end is fitted to the bowstring. As the string is pulled back, the bow
bends for maximum tension, and when the string is released, the arrow is propelled.



Some authorities date the origin of archery as early as the Aurignacian period, about 25,000 years before the modern era. The earliest people known to have used the
bow and arrow were the ancient Egyptians, who adopted the weapon at least 5000 years ago. In the time of the earliest pharaohs, the Egyptians practiced archery in
hunting, as well as in warfare against the ancient Persians, who were then equipped only with spears and slingshots. Soon after, however, the bow and arrow was used
extensively in the ancient world. The Assyrians and Babylonians depended on the weapon, and the Old Testament refers several times to archery as a characteristic skill
of the ancient Hebrews. In China, archery dates back to the Shang dynasty (1570?-1045?
archer. During the ensuing Zhou (Chou) dynasty (1045?-256



A war chariot of that time carried a three-man team: driver, lancer, and

nobles at court attended sport archery tournaments that were accompanied by music and

interspersed with elegant salutations.
The Romans owed much of their military superiority to armies of skilled archers. At the beginning of the medieval period the Romans were in turn defeated by the more
highly skilled archers of the Goths, Huns, and Vandals. During the Middle Ages the most notable European archers were the English. Medieval ballads celebrate their
feats in hunting, fighting, and sport. Outside Europe, in the same period, peoples of the Middle East excelled in archery. Archery also played a role in the folklore of the
Middle Ages. According to legend, 14th-century Swiss marksman William Tell was ordered by an Austrian governor to shoot an apple off his own son's head with a bow
and arrow. In addition, the story of Robin Hood, the heroic outlaw, originated in the late 14th or early 15th century. Robin Hood, glorified for stealing from the rich and
giving to the poor, wielded a bow and arrow. He was famous for his accurate marksmanship, including the ability to split one arrow with another.
Accounts of European travelers during the Renaissance indicate that the bow and arrow was the most important weapon used in East Asia, the Americas, Central Africa,
and the Arctic regions. However, the introduction of gunpowder gradually made the bow and arrow obsolete, especially in western Europe. In the defeat of the Spanish
Armada by the English in 1588, for example, 10,000 English troops were experimentally equipped with firearms, while the Spanish relied on archers; the success of the
English forces played a major role in convincing military theorists that archery had become a relatively inefficient method of waging war. Nevertheless, peoples of East
Asia employed archers in warfare as recently as the 19th century, and the use of the bow and arrow in hunting and intertribal fighting continues in central Africa and
South America to the present day.



Archery has long been popular as an amateur sport, particularly in England. The oldest continuously held archery tournament still extant, known as the Ancient Scorton
Arrow, was founded in Yorkshire in 1673; and about 1790 the Royal Toxophilite (Greek toxon, "bow"; philos, "loving") Society was formed to advance the sport. The
Grand National Archery Society, the official organization of British archery, was established in 1844, and it has conducted championship contests since that year.
Archery as a sport was introduced in North America in the 17th century. The earliest organized body of archers in the United States, known as the United Bowmen of
Philadelphia, was active from 1828 to 1859, and the modern ruling body, the National Archery Association of the United States, was founded in 1879. Under the
auspices of the association, the first annual archery tournament was held in Chicago in 1879.
Archery competition is divided into various categories, such as target, field, and flight shooting. The main events of a target-shooting tournament are called rounds, and
the number of arrows shot and the range of distance are specified. In U.S. tournaments, target faces are made of paper and pinned to straw mats. The target is
circular and has a series of concentric rings around a solid center, or bull's-eye. The center of the bull's-eye is suspended 1.3 m (4 ft 3 in) above the ground. Ranging
outward from the bull's-eye, the colors of the rings are gold, red, blue, black, and white. The rings are assigned point values for arrows shot into them; from gold to
white, the values range from 10 (in the center of the gold) to 1 (in the outer part of the white ring).
After being discontinued at the Olympic Games in the early 1900s, archery again became an Olympic sport for men and women at the 1972 Munich Olympic Games.
Modernized in 1992 to promote interest, the Olympic round consists of a ranking round, an elimination round, a finals round, a team elimination round, and a team
finals round. The individuals' event includes 64 archers, all shooting at the same time at targets 70 m (230 ft) away. Archers with the highest scores after various
elimination heats compete for medals. The competition is conducted according to the International Archery Federation (FITA) rules.
Field shooting simulates hunting game, with small targets placed in natural surroundings at various distances. In flight shooting the object is the distance traversed by
the arrow rather than the accuracy of the shot. In recent years hunting with bow and arrow has become popular, and in many parts of the United States legal seasons
have been established for taking deer in this manner.
Reviewed by: National Archery Association of the United States

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