

Publié le 18/05/2020

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Ci-dessous un extrait traitant le sujet : Angela Ce document contient 1261 mots soit 3 pages. Pour le télécharger en entier, envoyez-nous un de vos documents grâce à notre système gratuit d’échange de ressources numériques. Cette aide totalement rédigée en format pdf sera utile aux lycéens ou étudiants ayant un devoir à réaliser ou une leçon à approfondir en Littérature.

« Angela’s Ashes: Chapter 10, A working man. Hello everybody! (Photo Frank, Malachy, Malachy junior, alphie, Michael, angela, mr et mrs hannon) Today we are going to present you the 10 th chapter of Angela’s Ashes story.

But before we are going to resume you the precedent chapters: Angela Sheehan meets Malachy Mc Court in New York on a Thanksgiving party during the Great Depression.

Frankie’s life starts at the Thanksgiving party.

The two cousins of Angela, Delia and Philomenia oblige Malachy to marry Angela because she is expecting a child.

So Malachy and Angela marry, and a few months later, Frankie is born.

One year later, Malachy junior is born. Later, Frankie and Malachy junior have two brothers Eugene and Oliver.

Malachy senior looks for a job, but he drinks a lot, he spends all his money in pubs.

One day, there is a new baby, a little girl, called Margaret.

They all love Margaret.

Malachy had even stop to drink! But after seven weeks, Margaret became sick and dies.

Malachy starts drinking again and the family moved from NY to Ireland.

A week later they arrive in Limerick and Grandma Sheehan meets them on the station platform.

Grandma Sheehan’s house is in a narrow lane.

The family McCourt can’t live in Grandma’s house; there is no room for them.

They found a room in Windmill Street.

They receive the dole, nineteen shillings.

(The dole is money paid by the government every week to family with no job.) And Angela, Malachy junior and Frankie go to the St Vincent de Paul Society.

Later, Oliver dies and Frankie and Malachy junior start at Learmy’s National School.

Six month later, Eugene dies too.

The family moves to a house in Roden Lane.

They have furniture’s from St Vincent de Paul Society.

Frankie and Malachy have a new brother Michael.

Malachy senior gets his first job in Limerick in a factory, but once again he spend all the money to drink and the next morning he missed his job and lose it. When Frankie is in Mr.

Benson class, he has to do his First Communion.

But before the boys receive their first communion, they have to tell the priest all their sins.

But Frankie is afraid because a boy living in his street, Mikey Molloy, told him a rude story about women.

Finally he tells the priest about the story and there was no problem.

After the communion there’s the Collect ion, but Grandma doesn’t agree because Frank threw up his breakfast in her garden.

Angela decided that it’s her son’s first Communion and that he’ll go see James Cagney movie.. »


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