

Publié le 02/12/2021

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(ruled approx. 1350–1334 B.C.E.) aking of Egypt He is remembered for changes hemade to EGYPTIAN RELIGION.When Akhenaton came to the throne, Egyptianreligion focused on the WORSHIP of the godAMON-Re. In the sixth year of his reign, however,Akhenaton made the Aton or sun's disk the centralgod of Egypt. He changed his name from Amenhotepto Akhenaton, "Servant of the Aton." He alsomoved his capital up the Nile from Thebes to aplace he named Akhetaton, known today as Amarna.Akhenaton and his wife Nefertiti worshippedonly the Aton; the people worshipped Akhenatonand Nefertiti.Akhenaton's changes did not last long afterhis death. His successor, Smenkhkare, destroyedthe settlement of Akhetaton and moved the capitalback to Thebes. The next king, Tutankhamen,restored the cult of Amon.Many have seen Akhenaton as the fi rst monotheist(see MONOTHEISM), but that claim is too bold.Some have even speculated that MOSES learnedmonotheism from Akhenaton. There is no evidenceto support such an idea.


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