Devoir de Philosophie

Endymion - Mythology.

Publié le 26/01/2014

Extrait du document

Endymion - Mythology. Greek According to various sources, the son of Zeus and Calyce or the shepherd son of Aethlius; prince or king of Elis, a region of the Peloponnesus; he was a beautiful young man, loved by Selene (Moon). In one myth, Endymion begged Zeus to give him immortality so that he could be with Selene forever. Zeus granted his request with the condition that he remain eternally asleep. Another myth has it that Selene herself imposed eternal sleep on Endymion so that she might enjoy his beauty forever. In another story, it is said that Selene had 50 daughters by Endymion. Selene visited Endymion on many nights of the month, personifying the gentle radiance of the Moon that caresses the sleep of mortals.

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